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Business & Finance

Chinese Technical Translations provides accurate, high-quality document translations for businesses and the financial industry. We have the experience and expertise to provide translations for the following projects:

Their services have been first class, their rates are fair and they are always happy to go the extra mile. We are delighted to be partnering with them. 

Chief Executive Officer

Investment Company, Mayfair

They are very diligent and skilled translators. All of their translations were returned to deadline and well thought out.

Project Manager

G Adventures

Very professional, paying attention to details.



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Corporate Communications

  • Emails/letters

  • Formal announcements

  • Business presentations

Advertising and Marketing

  • Press releases/news/blog posts

  • Website localisation

  • Leaflets/brochures

  • Subtitles for promotional videos

Financial Translations

  • Business plans

  • Periodical publications   

  • Annual reports

  • Balance/budget sheets

  • Bank financial statements

  • Corporation tax payment vouchers

  • Insurance contracts

  • Sales contracts/service agreements

  • Presentations for workshops

Business Translations for Individuals

  • Professional CVs

  • Personal profiles

  • Bank account statements

  • Stock share certificates

  • Income tax payment vouchers

  • Employment contracts

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Request a Quote or Get More Information

Please call us on +44 (0)2381 786550 or send an email to to find out more about how Chinese Technical Translations can help you with your business and financial translation requirements.

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